CBSMIAMI (CBSMiami) – With the November General Election less than a month away, elections supervisors are encouraging all voters to to become familiarized with their specific ballot content before casting their vote.
The upcoming election consists of candidate races at all levels of government.
All Miami-Dade voters can expect a two-page ballot (front/back), inclusive of three proposed constitutional amendments and five county questions. In addition, 18 municipalities have ballot content in this election.
The Official Sample Ballot will be distributed as an insert in The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald this Sunday, October 12th. Copies are also available at public libraries, county and commission offices, and city halls.
Voters can also access their Customized Sample Ballot online in three easy steps. Click Here to get started.
“I encourage registered voters to prepare ahead and be Election Ready. Whether they vote Early, by Absentee or on Election Day, it will be a faster and more efficient process if our voters take the opportunity to review their sample ballot ahead of time,” said Supervisor of Elections Penelope Townsley. “I would even suggest printing the sample ballot and having it handy while they vote.”
Voters in Broward can also expect a two-page (front/back) ballot. Click Here to download your precinct specific ballot.
Early voting begins October 20th at select sites in Miami-Dade and Broward. It ends on November 2nd. The General Election is November 4th.